EarthTek Farms Compressed Earth Block Technology For The World Compressed Earth Block Machines and EarthBlenders |
Every politician and bureaucrat takes this oath in one form or another: "I, ____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God." I hope you vote and that you vote for oath keepers instead of oath breakers, our liberty depends on this and us. It all starts with one!
We are open for business and building machines! UPDATE JANUARY 8 2025 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Yes we're still here, still kickin. Its been a long dry spell for a lot of us but I have a lot of hope for the future. Prices seem to have stabilized, with new tariffs we'll probably see some new increases but they won't be nearly as radical as the rampant inflation we've witnessed the past 4 years. I hear the lying media ramping up the pandemic crap again, funny I never paid any attention to the last round of stupidity, and stupid it was, nearly destroyed the world economy and we are paying for it now. well kinda, you see, the reset was supposed to put the WEF and their lackeys in charge and you and I would own nothing and be damn happy about it. That didn't occur, thank God, Americans and others started waking up, a certain multibillionaire grabbed control of the largest media platform in the world and changed the direction of this plummet into the grey void of socialism. And no, I'm not a milquetoast republican, I'm so far to the right that I hate all government. That is a huge part of this drive to create an industry that utilizes a substance that is universally available. So here we are, hopefully DJT and his crew will eliminate the fed and the hated irs and congress will get their collectivist heads out of their asses and repeal about 90% of the rules and regulations that have all but destroyed our ablities to produce. ok, rant over right now parts are easily available and prices are steady so pricing on my machinery will remain steady and hopefully go down as american manufacturers are able to compete again. that will only occur with the demolition of the tax system or a complete shift to a robotic industry, I'd prefer the former, lol. I hope you all are obtaining land that can be used for agriculture and leaving the cities that seem to infect people with the marxist virus. (there i go again)(either you're entertained or pissed) LOL So to business I built a PDA480-14DP and a PEB-8A last year so these are fresh again in my brain, (The last were in 2015) The BLM series are my constants so are the quickest to build, they are also the machines I stock parts for. This time of year is always the slowest so leadtimes are short. In fact, for the month of January I'm offering a 10% discount on any blm series machines ordered before Feb. 1. who knows, I might even get some new pics and videos up. We appreciate all of our customers who have this peculiar dream to build out of earth, we know it's neither simple nor easy but, like you, we share the same dream, we just want to say THANKS!!!!
So What Does Green Really Mean? The Vertical Block Press vs. The Horizontal Block Press To Interlock or Not to Interlock See our videos on youtube
In todays world of rising energy, labor and construction costs the Compressed Earth Block Machine provides a superior alternative for the environmentally considerate builder in all economic arenas. We manufacture an earth construction system that can enable you to economically produce high-quality building components using widely available raw material to build superior, quality buildings.
The advantages of compressed or rammed earth blocks are many. Since the blocks are machine made they are uniform in size and, with some care, uniform in density. It is common practice to drystack (mortarless) 12" or thicker walls immediately upon ejection from the machine since the blocks are smooth and sharp cornered. This saves on mortar costs as well as handling and damage costs as the blocks are only handled once.
We also offer Mechanic and builder tool packages as well as complete parts and accessories packages. |
following are standard configurations of our Compressed Earth
Block and Earth Blending Machines: (Click on the picture to view each individual machine) |
CEB VOL 2 design & construction Midland Project Construction Pictures
With over 30 years in the manufacture of compressed earth block machinery and compressed earth block homes you can count on us to provide a long life productive machine and the expertise to facilitate your program. |
To Contact Us ********************** |
For an Introduction to Earth Technologies and Building Sustainable Futures, Hybrid Earth Technology - Construction Products, Components and Build System Visit a close colleagues site at: www.earthconstruct.com. Ed-Ellis is a Chartered Builder, Chartered Environmentalist and and Earth Construction Technologist, His services are quite extensive.
Last updated: January 1 2023 |